This cow picture from about a month ago is what I've decided I'm going to put in my blogs whenever I didn't really take any pictures that day. Kinda like today. I was all psyched to shoot with my digital rebel and manual 50mm, but after finding out I had nothing running in tomorrow's paper I came home and started reading this book I have to write an 8-page paper on by 4:30 Friday for my PRE-MODERN EAST ASIA TO 1600 class. I procrastinate a little, I know. It's an ancient Chinese mystery novel that's been translated to English, called The Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee. Judges back then (ca. 750 AD) were like detectives, that figured out crimes and then tortured and killed criminals and suspects. I'm only about two thirds of the way through it so I ought to go finish it. Then of course tomorrow I'm going to have to write 8 pages about it. Might not do a whole lot of shooting tomorrow either.
Hopefully something.
BTW, check out the two trailers for the upcoming film by Scott Kesterson and David Leeson "at war" shot entirely by Scott Kesterson while embedded in Afghanistan last year. You can see them at www.atwarfilm.com.
k, back to reading.
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