So, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna start shooting standard definition video instead of HD unless I'm really goin for framegrabs, because I only ever really shoot video for web purposes and it doesn't have to be big anyway and it takes forever to convert HDV down to a low-res quicktime movie. It seems I have to export a movie like 6 different times before I get it at a filesize small enough to upload to the web. I wish Final Cut Express had a thing that told you how big the video size was gonna be BEFORE you spend a hour rendering it.
SIU Football vs. ISU
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I shot the whole football game on video Saturday. Salukis won 34-24 against Illinois State, who's a big rival, so that was cool. Didn't turn my 1D on once, thought I had it slung over my shoulder the whole time with my 70-200. I roughed together this video of plays from the game, but I don' think it's gonna be on siude.com, mainly cuz I should've had it done sooner and done some audio with Sean if I wanted it on there.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - "Mile High Club"
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I also have a little more Call of Duty 4 footage for Episode 2 of "Tom playing COD4"! Sure, I've beaten the game 3 times over by now, but I've tried and tried and tried and TRIED to beat the final epilogue mission, a mission after the credits which is a quick run through a hijacked airplane, on the hardest difficulty in which you only have 60 seconds to save the VIP before the plane explodes. I literally tried this mission over and over again for nearly 5 hours the other night and probably 3-4 hours worth today. Obviously a clip on here will only show a fraction of my work and frustration. I've improved/changed my tactics since this video, but it shows the gist of what goes on. You have to run fast, dodge bullets, kill/blind lots of terrorists and get through the plane, up the stairs, and back through the plane within 60 seconds and It's near freakin impossible.
The videos involved with the two paragraphs above ought to be on here soon. They take forever to export and upload, so.. maybe tomorrow.
That's all for today. I went to Wendy's earlier for food and my Pibb was flat.
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