Here's some interesting images from last week that I never really posted. This one is Carbondale Mayor Brad Cole talking to City Manager Jeff Doherty at a special city council meeting they called at Alongi's Italian Restaurant at University Mall where they ate lots of food and loosely talked about random things and got gift baskets. They were all dressed up and I was waltzing around in a sweatshirt and pullaway workout pants lol. It's so amusing to see old people think they're important!

This is AMANDA! For real, I was on a gameshow thing at the WSIU studios where the reporting and copy editing classes competed in a quizbowl kinda thing where we had to find AP stylebook errors in articles and advertisements and hit our little buzzer things and answer and it was all video taped in the fancy studio and we had clip-on microphones and we, Oliver Witte's class, totally blew away Wendy Weinhold's class 570-270, and then we faced Eric Fidler's copy editing class, and finding errors is like all they do, but luckily only one of them showed up and a guy from wendy's class joined him so it was us four on the two of them and we barely took the lead in the end and won like 370-330 or something like that. It was vicious, but WE WERE CHAMPIONS! and we each won free specialty pizzas and 2-liter sodas from Papa John's.

This one's more recent. In fact, it's like 7 hours old. I took it while I was leaving work for the first time and there was a pretty fiery sunset behind the communications building and I happened to have a tripod with me so I took some long exposures like this. Nothing all that awesome, but it's the thought that counts. It was ISO 100 for 10 seconds or something at like f/32 so you can see assloads of gross sensor dust all over the image, all in focus and dark, too.

Also, this is a picture of Dave Magallanes that I found on my computer! He's a photographer turned accountant who lives in Texas and hates his best friend Tom and never comes to visit him at SIU. Plus, he's single!
I took some pictures at a Delta Xi Phi Race & Reconciliation Panel today! What's that you say? Well, they had a guy speak and show a presentation about racism and stereotypes and there was a panel of people who talked about racism stuff and discussed it with the audience and it was pretty interesting and entertaining. I don't have those pictures though, because theyre on my camera and I dont feel like getting them off.
Also, anyone who owns THE OFFICE season 2 on DVD should go to the deleted scenes on disc 3 and watch the scenes for the 3rd episode and watch Dwight shoot out a window in the warehouse with his spud gun, cuz it made me laugh so hard I died.
That is all.
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