So I'm starting a hardcore Tom-approved weight loss program! Since I've moved to Hutchinson, I've eaten mainly lunches like the one pictured above, breakfasts of half-full bowls of Total, and dinners mostly like the lunches, but sometimes with a sandwich instead of a salad, ALL SUPPLEMENTED with HYDROXYCUT! A "diet pill" I picked up today that im going to take before every meal that supposedly helps control appetite, burn calories, provide energy, and is clinically proven! I don't know how well it'll work, but I guess it's worth a shot.
My dad lost over 200 pounds just eating salads everyday. He was like 400 when I was little little and he got down to 150 after my parents were divorced. Of course he ended up dying of heart problems/lung cancer a few years ago, but thats another story.
I'm going to keep my weight and diet and exercise publicly on THE DAILY TOM to show my progress, mostly so I can keep track. I figure since I'm not having to do loads of homework while out here in Kansas I ought to be able to keep focused on my physique and not quit! My goal by the time I leave Kansas, a.k.a. May, is to be down to 250 lbs. That's 50 pounds! After my junior year in highschool I lost like 40 pounds over the summer running almost every night and not eating much. So I figure if I can go running everyday, eat healthily, and take hyrdoxycut, I ought to be able to burn 50 pounds in 5 months, hopefully even more! That's only 10 pounds a month. Easy, right?
I've sworn off fast food and I cant really afford anything fancier, so I'm pretty much gonna live off of fruits and vegetables and lowfat meats I can get in bulk from Wal-Mart. Also, lots of water! I don't drink sugar sodas anyway, but I'm going to limit even how much diet soda I consume and stick with 8-10 glasses of water per day. Also, Total cereal in the morning with skim milk.
I jogged 2 miles earlier and I ought to be able to keep that up and even increase it to 3 or 4 miles. I'm pretty good at making myself go run, unless I'm extremely tired or I have a horrible headache. It'd be nice to get it done in the morning so I don't have to worry about it at the end of the day, but it's also nice to get the calories burned before I go to bed, so they dont just turn to fat while I sleep. Maybe I'll get so determined that I'll run early in the morning AND at night. Depends on my work schedule I guess.
That's pretty much my weight loss program. If I keep it up, I ought to be in pretty good shape in 5 months. In other news, I've been watching lots of movies and playing guitar hero III and listening to Dropkick Murphys and exploring Hutchinson. I report for the first day of my first 40 hour week tomorrow at the HutchNews, so that ought to be exciting.
That's all! I'm going to have a turkey sandwich and some glasses of water!

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