AT WAR Film - Trailer 3
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At War - Coming in January
Video by Scott Kesterson
Produced by David Leeson
Fall 2007 "Visual Journalist" Staff ~ Daily Egyptian
finals and such

So, I might not have a whole bunch blog posts for awhile. Finals are this week. I have one Tuesday morning at 7:50 am and three on Friday at 7:50, noon, and 5:50. I wont be going home from school early at all, but I also have some time to waste/study until Friday. The last issue of the Daily Egyptian for the semester is Tuesday, followed by a Semester in Photos issue on Wednesday. I don't know what pictures they're going to use for the SiP, but I hope they use a couple of mine.
My only assignment this week was the Southern Illinois Children's Choir performing at Shryock Auditorium at 3 pm on Saturday, right about the time the Salukis were starting their last football game of the season, a loss against Deleware 17-20, just one win away from the championship.
So I may have a few posts here and there, but I will probably keep it pretty lax until I start up at the Hutchinson News in Kansas next semester!
my favorite toys
JRNL 310 Project
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Here's a short, seemingly pointless video I put together in about 3 hours today for my JRNL 310 class. It couldnt be any longer than 60 seconds, and it had to be about my beat for the semester, which is the library, so It couldn't really be all that in-depth. It's just to prove that I know how to make MULTIMEDIA!
Also I met these fun people at a toy store when I was there getting pictures for a story about recalled toys. Their names are Sam and Suzanne Cox and they own the store "My Favorite Toys" in the University Mall in Carbondale. They kept showing me all these new toys they have and they were so excited about them and it was funny and I bought something for Amber. She's not going to get it forever though because she won't come visit me this weekend.
I have to ship some senior pictures to the Minors in Effingham and I have to finish working on Amber's brother's and cousin's pictures, so I think I'm going to do that now.
kk bye
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Here's a short, seemingly pointless video I put together in about 3 hours today for my JRNL 310 class. It couldnt be any longer than 60 seconds, and it had to be about my beat for the semester, which is the library, so It couldn't really be all that in-depth. It's just to prove that I know how to make MULTIMEDIA!

I have to ship some senior pictures to the Minors in Effingham and I have to finish working on Amber's brother's and cousin's pictures, so I think I'm going to do that now.
kk bye
mayors and mayhem

I took some pictures at a Delta Xi Phi Race & Reconciliation Panel today! What's that you say? Well, they had a guy speak and show a presentation about racism and stereotypes and there was a panel of people who talked about racism stuff and discussed it with the audience and it was pretty interesting and entertaining. I don't have those pictures though, because theyre on my camera and I dont feel like getting them off.
Also, anyone who owns THE OFFICE season 2 on DVD should go to the deleted scenes on disc 3 and watch the scenes for the 3rd episode and watch Dwight shoot out a window in the warehouse with his spud gun, cuz it made me laugh so hard I died.
That is all.
Please take a moment to view this important public service announcement.
I haven't been blogging much. It's the end of the school year and I've been studying studying studying for all those exams and turning in revisions of my papers and working extra hard on lots of productive activities! LOL YEAH RIGHT! Actually I've just been playing Call of Duty 4 so much I can barely see straight anymore! It's great, I don't even have to go out! I have a few assignments this week and I need to turn in a video Tuesday and finish a paper for Tuesday, so hopefully I'll have some things to post. I can't believe it's only 11:22, I feel like its 3 in the morning. I guess that's what happens when it rains all day and you fill up on Irish Creme and rank up on COD4 10 times before going to sleep.
Also, I'm working on senior pictures. and reading a book. and reading another book. and recording some music for video. and planning a trip to Cairo this week to record audio.
That's it.
I haven't been blogging much. It's the end of the school year and I've been studying studying studying for all those exams and turning in revisions of my papers and working extra hard on lots of productive activities! LOL YEAH RIGHT! Actually I've just been playing Call of Duty 4 so much I can barely see straight anymore! It's great, I don't even have to go out! I have a few assignments this week and I need to turn in a video Tuesday and finish a paper for Tuesday, so hopefully I'll have some things to post. I can't believe it's only 11:22, I feel like its 3 in the morning. I guess that's what happens when it rains all day and you fill up on Irish Creme and rank up on COD4 10 times before going to sleep.
Also, I'm working on senior pictures. and reading a book. and reading another book. and recording some music for video. and planning a trip to Cairo this week to record audio.
That's it.
cars and balloons

Most the cars that had been donated to the school were new or close to new, like this '07 pontiac solstice. They also had a nice '07 eclipse spyder that had been given to them because the factory didn't like its color scheme. Lots of newer hondas, fords, toyotas, just about anything. Almost makes me want to take auto classes. They don't offer a minor though, and the program's pretty tight. They only accept about 45 new students every year, and they've already had 70 some apply for next fall.

In other news, I GOT AN INTERNSHIP! That's right! Got the call back today from Sandra at the Hutchinson News in Hutchinson, Kansas, and I'll be moving there in January to work 40 hours a week as their photo intern until May! I'll get 6 credit hours for it and take a couple classes online I think, So i'll remain a full-time student and keep all my financial aid moneys. 40,000 people live in Hutchinson and the paper serves 39 counties stretching across the Colorado and Oklahoma borders. So some travel might be involved! Good thing I have a new Camry. Also, January through May in south central Kansas might get me some awesome weather features! A great place to start real-paper staff experience I think and I'm so excited I wish I could move out there now.
That's it for tonight. I'm tired. Bedddd.....
SIU 30, EIU 11
Nov. 14

That was really it from today. Alex, Scott and I went to Lone Star and had lots of appetizers and beers. Also, Jason bitched like he always does.
He knocked on my door at about 11 p.m. and was like ' is this ur pizza box and ice cream thing out here?' (yes.) 'You want to clean it up?' (no.) 'Seriously?' (seriously.) 'Well we have this inspection tomorrow and you need to clean up your shit and we never see you do fucking anything and you need to step it up' so I go out there just to humor him, overlook alex's pizza box on the floor, overlook Scott's pizza box on the counter, and get mine off the table along with the little ice cream cup next to it and throw it in a trash bag, throw the spoon in the sink full of dirty dishes i've never used, and say ' doing nothing's better that bitching all the time' and he's like ' so you do both? ' and I ignored his idiotic comment and went back in my room.
At least two times a day, literally, he asks me to turn down my music and/or game I'm playing, because he's always sleeping during the day and for some reason he thinks that means everyone needs to be quiet. He shuts my door. Even though my music's never half as loud as his is, I turn it down for him because I actually give (gave) a shit about how he feels, like a good roommate should. But, when he's awake, he plays loud as hell music, comes out, bitches, goes back in, plays more loud as hell music. repeat. Right now, it's 2 am. on the nose. 2. I hear his music playing in his room and I hear him walking between the bathroom and his room constantly shutting doors.
He's constantly complaining, he has no consideration for his roommates, he plays loud disruptive music 12 hours a day, he doesn't pick up his mail because he expects us to bring it to him, he always asks for rides, and he pisses on the damn toilet seat. Seriously, Jason. Grow up or get the fuck out of our apartment. We've wanted to sign the form to get him moved all semester, and I think soon we're gonna do it. Soon, like tomorrow.
faces of the DE

There's actually like 55-60 students that work for the DE, so this is in no way a complete photo collection. Maybe if I get inspired, I'll work to take good pictures of everyone and release a coffee table book for everyone to have. Won't happen though. At most, I'd take pictures and put em on here.
I also took pictures of the 14 mm lens because I have to give it back to Phil tomorrow and now anyone who gives a damn can see how crazy lookin it is.

That's it.

So, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna start shooting standard definition video instead of HD unless I'm really goin for framegrabs, because I only ever really shoot video for web purposes and it doesn't have to be big anyway and it takes forever to convert HDV down to a low-res quicktime movie. It seems I have to export a movie like 6 different times before I get it at a filesize small enough to upload to the web. I wish Final Cut Express had a thing that told you how big the video size was gonna be BEFORE you spend a hour rendering it.
SIU Football vs. ISU
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I shot the whole football game on video Saturday. Salukis won 34-24 against Illinois State, who's a big rival, so that was cool. Didn't turn my 1D on once, thought I had it slung over my shoulder the whole time with my 70-200. I roughed together this video of plays from the game, but I don' think it's gonna be on, mainly cuz I should've had it done sooner and done some audio with Sean if I wanted it on there.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - "Mile High Club"
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I also have a little more Call of Duty 4 footage for Episode 2 of "Tom playing COD4"! Sure, I've beaten the game 3 times over by now, but I've tried and tried and tried and TRIED to beat the final epilogue mission, a mission after the credits which is a quick run through a hijacked airplane, on the hardest difficulty in which you only have 60 seconds to save the VIP before the plane explodes. I literally tried this mission over and over again for nearly 5 hours the other night and probably 3-4 hours worth today. Obviously a clip on here will only show a fraction of my work and frustration. I've improved/changed my tactics since this video, but it shows the gist of what goes on. You have to run fast, dodge bullets, kill/blind lots of terrorists and get through the plane, up the stairs, and back through the plane within 60 seconds and It's near freakin impossible.
The videos involved with the two paragraphs above ought to be on here soon. They take forever to export and upload, so.. maybe tomorrow.
That's all for today. I went to Wendy's earlier for food and my Pibb was flat.
Tom Playing COD4 - Episode 1
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - "Crew Expendable"
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Ok so I made my own video of me playing Call of Duty and I'll probably make more because it's fun and that way all the people how there that don't play video games or act like they can't afford to buy call of duty 4 will get to see what they're missing.
This is Episode 1! It shows the opening Prologue mission right after a short training session where the SAS attack a ship carrying a WOMD. The whole mission takes 7-10 mins to play through, but I've shortened it to 4 mins or so to reduce filesize. For some reason the background rendered for 9 mins, so the last 5 minutes of the video is blank. You dont have to watch that part.
It's pretty low quality and I wish I could host my own videos without size restrictions cuz it sucks having such a nice video camera and only being able to show shit quality video.
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Ok so I made my own video of me playing Call of Duty and I'll probably make more because it's fun and that way all the people how there that don't play video games or act like they can't afford to buy call of duty 4 will get to see what they're missing.
This is Episode 1! It shows the opening Prologue mission right after a short training session where the SAS attack a ship carrying a WOMD. The whole mission takes 7-10 mins to play through, but I've shortened it to 4 mins or so to reduce filesize. For some reason the background rendered for 9 mins, so the last 5 minutes of the video is blank. You dont have to watch that part.
It's pretty low quality and I wish I could host my own videos without size restrictions cuz it sucks having such a nice video camera and only being able to show shit quality video.
the 14

It was a good week for the photojournalism dept. at SIU. Journalism signed on ex-editor for National Geographic Bruce Baughman as a second pj instructor! He'll be teaching next semester and I hope to be in one or two of his classes. He says they're rough and we better be ready for pain and if we don't have a decent portfolio of images before taking his class, we will by the time we're done. He can be seen on the right side of this image and the previously lone photojournalism instructor Phil Greer, ex-Chicago Tribue, can be seen on the far left. I look forward to having classes with both of them next semester (internships pending), because these history classes are killing me.

This is SIU's Athletics Director Mario Moccia talking to the USG (student government) last night about student fee increases to help pay for a new athletics facility. new football stadium, paying to move other fields, building new fields and courts, stuff like that. i think the senate mostly thought something better could be done with new student fees to improve the school's academics, such as finishing Morris Library and that the new stadium etc. could be put on the back burner.

This is student senator Brandon Allen, who submitted a resolution last night to prevent university staff from wearing Confederate flag clothing while working for the university. The senate held a debate which lasted 15 minutes exactly and held a vote on the issue. 10 voted no, 12 voted yes and 3 votes were invalid. The resolution did not pass because a majority of the senate hadn't voted yes.

The debates were heated and senator Allen was disgusted with how the other senators reacted to his resolution. He claimed to have over 1,600 people backing his resolution and that the opposing senators were responding in a way that reflected their personal opinions, not for the benefits of the students they represent. If you wish to learn more about the resolution, I'm sure you can contact Brandon Allen directly via the SIUC people finder at
Also, today they ran a currents of 'fall photos' that looked like this in the center spread of the paper. They used one photo from each photographer and mine was the one in the bottom left corner of the leaves. I wasn't very happy with it, I thought I had better photos than that and they didn't use any of my feature photos from the weekend. They keep asking for features but every time I turn in some, they don't use them and the next day they're no longer 'fresh'.

Not only are the graphics "the most photo-realistic... ever seen" (GameInformer), the original score is by Harry Gregson-Williams, amazing composer who did the scores for Kingdom of Heaven, Chronicles of Narnia, all the Shrek movies and all the Metal Gear Solid games.
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