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I haven't been blogging much. It's the end of the school year and I've been studying studying studying for all those exams and turning in revisions of my papers and working extra hard on lots of productive activities! LOL YEAH RIGHT! Actually I've just been playing Call of Duty 4 so much I can barely see straight anymore! It's great, I don't even have to go out! I have a few assignments this week and I need to turn in a video Tuesday and finish a paper for Tuesday, so hopefully I'll have some things to post. I can't believe it's only 11:22, I feel like its 3 in the morning. I guess that's what happens when it rains all day and you fill up on Irish Creme and rank up on COD4 10 times before going to sleep.

Also, I'm working on senior pictures. and reading a book. and reading another book. and recording some music for video. and planning a trip to Cairo this week to record audio.

That's it.


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