That's one of my favorite lines from the Office, when Michael is telling Toby how worthless he is. He gives Toby so much shit all the time, and some people might think it's not fair to him, which it isn't, but it's funny as hell IMO.
Today, I helped freshman shooter James Durbin set up a simple portrait shoot of some volleyball players at Davies Gym, which actually turned out pretty cool I think. I don't have a copy of it because it doesn't look like it's gonna be in tomorrow's paper and I didn't do any shooting of my own. I showed him my pocketwizards and Vivitar 285s and we setup a shot of two featured players in front of a big SALUKI VOLLEYBALL wall thing. Maybe when it's printed, I'll throw a copy of it up on here, even if it doesn't have my name under it.
Interestingly enough, I had my own portrait shoot to do today of an assistant at the Jackson County Sheriff's Office, and it was garbage. I neglected to bring any lights and he only had a few minutes and didn't really act like he wanted his picture taken, so I took a wide angle shot of him at his desk, which was what he wanted to do. I have a history of being yelled at by Sheriff's office people, so I didn't do much to convince him of something else. Plus, I've never had a shot in the paper of someone sitting at their desk, so I figured I could have a first and last time. Just this once.

ALSO, a Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare demo came out today or yesterday or something and it took forever to download, but I played through it like 5 times and it is absolutely fantastic. The graphics are a little intense and would probably look better on a 360/PS3, but I was still able to play it pleasantly. It comes out in about 20 days and I have it reserved.
Right now, I'm half watching a silent film on Turner Class Movies which is about some kind of group of army/military guys in what I'm guessing is WWI, and it's a comedy that's mostly sepia toned and has a dialog screen every now then and I'm actually finding it entertaining. Not because it's old and cheesy like why most people of this age would find it amusing, but because it is genuinely humorous and it's actually very well put together. The cinematography is great. Period. Every scene is composed of many good shots and I'm surprised it could look that good for being as old as it is.
There's these two guys in a horse costume because hey were doing a play for the rest of their base when the base got attacked and everyone ran but a couple drunk Germans thought they were a real horse and tied them up with the other horses, but the 'horse' kept trying to escape so they were gonna shoot it but they were too drunk and they ended up pulling the 'horse's head off and they were freaking out and this dog jumped inside the hole and was sticking out the front so it looked like a horse with a dog head and they scared the hell out of all these Germans and got away.
That's really about it for today. I spent my last $50 on groceries at Wal-Mart and got all kinds of drinks and cereal and sandwich stuff and ramen noodle cups and more drinks. Drinks like gatorade and diet dr. pepper and bottled teas and milk and sunny d. Not like alcoholic drinks. They don't even sell those at Wal-Mart because theres a county-wide ordinance down here that doesn't allow alcohol to be sold anywhere that food is sold also.
I'm gonna try to go to sleep. My sleep schedule has been way off since I started watching the Office all night and now I sleep til like 10-11 everyday and dont get to bed until like 2-3am which is a problem since I have classes at 930 and 10 everyday.
Also, tomorrow is mine and Amber's one year, nine month -iversary. I love you, Amber.