So. Once again I had this fancy video blog all recorded and I even got it into a nice quicktime movie file so I could put it on youtube, but it's been uploading for like the last 3 hours and doesn't show really any sign of finishing anytime soon, so I don't think I'm going to have a video blog tonight either. I think I'll try exporting it at the smallest size possible and the shittiest quality possible so maybe it'll be small enough to work with easiliy, and also work.
Also also, the scroll wheel on my Apple Mighty Mouse isn't working and it is completely frustrating. I think I'm going to go buy a new mouse anyway, because the mighty mice aren't very good at having two buttons. They're all one button, but claim to be usable as two, and they are, but the right button only really works if you press it really hard, and as hardcore of a computer gamer as I am, that is just not acceptable.
This picture up here is of Dan Cockerell, the General Manager of Merchandise Operations at Disney's Magic Kingdom. Yes, the amusement park. Yes, at Disney World in Florida. Why is he at SIUC? He was here today to talk to SIU College of Business and Administration students about Disney's business strategies and customer service and his experiences in his career and stuff like that. I was sent to take pictures. Unfortunately, the guest writer who was supposed to be writing an article about the man's visit quit contacting the Daily Egyptian and never showed up to his presentation, so they dropped the story. That = no pictures for Tom.
Tomorrow's a new day with new photo requests, and hopefully I'll get some things that I can really let my amazing photo skills shine with. Amazing. Also I want to get this video thing down and shoot some video that actually has meaning, not just my roommates threatening each other with knives.
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