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This is an extremly low-quality version of the video put up on today, the one I shot with my video camera mounted on top of my 300. Myspace isn't very large-file-friendly, so I couldn't get a better looking one on there without it taking a week. But, there's one on he DE website, so check it out.
I had to go shoot a soccer tournament kind of thing today, that had lots of issues. It was an international soccer tournament with only a Latino team, a Saudi team and an African team left. The African team had lost to the "Latino Alliance" but complained that they had been playing with players not registered on their original roster, so the Alliance got disqualified, leaving just the African and Saudi teams, but then the Saudi team forfeited the final match because they wanted to play the real winners, not a team that had complained their way to the top. So, the African team received the trophy by default, as illustrated in today's main art:

The Sports page today was all mine. It was a good day for football photos, and Sean the sports editor wants me to shoot next weekend's game the same way I shot this one, still and video. Next time, we'll get some real audio commentary next time, though.

And, THE RED SOX ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!! Boston destroyed the Indians 11-2 at home at Fenway, bringing the series totals of runs to 30 and 5. It's amazing Cleveland won the 3 games that they did. Everyone on the team kicked ass and the Indians had tons of errors and totally couldn't control the ball. Now, all we have to worry about is 4 games against the Colorado Rockies, and I'm hoping it won't be as bad as playing Cleveland.

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