Town Square MarketAdd to My Profile |
More VideosDid this video today of Town Square Market, an organic foods store in downtown Carbondale. They were having their one-year anniversary and had lots of free samples and stuff. Of course, it was free samples of strange organicky foods, but some of it was pretty good.

Also, I love my video camera now. I took the filter out of the front and taped it directly onto the conversion lens, so there's no more glare or blurry smudges in my video. Then I taped the hood on the outside, so it still looks cool. I got the new case and batteries I ordered for it yesterday, and theyre amazing. The case makes it so more convenient to carry the camera and tapes and batteries and stuff around. The case also came with a LCD hood, a big shade thing for the screen when it's flipped out.

AND, I was looking at on-camera lights last night and got inspired to go out to walmart and find some kinda light I could clip onto my camera that runs on batteries, mainly because I didn't want to spend $150 on semi-professional one. So I got a SCHWINN bicycle headlight and chopped up it's little clampy thing and got it to mount into the shoe on top of the XLR adapter on the camera. It's an LED light, so it's really blue, but I'm going to get a warming gel to put on the front of it. Right now, I have a bit of paper towel rubber banded to the front of it to diffuse the light, cuz it's kinda spotlighty.

I did a lot more today, but Amber and I are gonna go out for pizza I think, so . . bye.
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