So I've been watching the Office almost nonstop for the last two days. At least, nonstop when I'm at home. I love it. I'd say out of all the garbage that's on TV these days, it's the best show out there. Of course, I've never actually watched it on TV, so I bet it's not as good with a bunch of idiotic commercials every 10 mins, but I have the dvds and they're great. and funny. I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. Steve Carrell is the manager and is pretty damn funny, but I think the funniest stuff is between Jim and Dwight. Fyi.

I also got to walk around the construction site of the library on campus today. I talked to this guy named Kevin Davie who is a GIS Specialist at the library and he took me around to all the different floors and showed me the progress here and there and explained to me what all the new rooms were going to be. I hope I fail a bunch of classes or get plenty of internships so I don't finish school for like 6 more years, because I would like to see the library when it's finished. There's going to be this crazy glass sculpture thing at the very front of the building that turns with the wind on the outside, but then has a part on the inside that turns also. I can't really explain it because I don't really understand it,

but it sounds like it'll be cool. And there's all kinds of places where students will be able to relax and use computers that are going to have lots of comfortable furniture like this big rotunda kind of place that spans a few floors and has skylight windows. There's also going to be a coffee commons kinda place near the front. I had never really been in the library to begin with, so I didn't really know what was old and what was new, but the stuff he told me about that is new looks like it going to be pretty nice. I'm pretty sure this picture (<) is main art for tomorrow's Daily Egyptian.

I also ordered a carrying case for my video camera, my beloved HVR-A1U. I also ordered two new batteries for it, Sony QM91D's to be exact. In fact, it was a kit, a bag that says SONY and 2 batteries. I won't say how much it costs because I don't want to anger any certain people *cough, Amber, cough* that like to get angry at me for spending money. It wasn't really expensive, anyway. Even though I should be spending money on her, because her birthday is Monday and she's coming down this weekend and I ought to have something to give her by then. I'll find something...

Anyway I kinda ordered a case and new batteries because I'm sick of the most expensive piece of image capturing equipment I own sitting on my tripod at home 24/7 when I ought to be out shooting video or doing something else to better my multimedia experience. I even put some extra gaffer tape on the side because that makes it look cooler and more professional. Duh. I used the tape around the edge of the hood to help hold it onto the lens, because it keeps falling off when I have it on my shoulder. Course, when I have the case, it probably won't be on my shoulder as much anymore, so it falling off won't be as much of a problem.
That's really it for today, I'm too busy watching the Office to focus on a blog. Or homework. Or work. or eating and sleeping.
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