Battlefield 2142 is an online first-person shooter with good graphics and it's set in the year 2142 and all you gotta do really is capture a bunch of places on the map with your 31 teammates and kill guys from the other side. I actually got my account to rank up by doing super awesome and I was unable to unlock grenades and this cool rocket launchery thing for when I play as an "Assault" guy with machine guns and whatsits, so I had lots more fun than I've had previously playing the game when I only had a gun and a knife.
After I finally forced myself off the game, I got showered and I got ready for the football game. When I left my apartment at about 205pm, I was carrying my camera bag, my 1D with a 400 2.8 on it, my 20D with a 70-200 2.8 on it, my video camera with a big microphone sticking out the front of it, and my monopod. I felt like a model for Canon. Or a muscle magazine cuz i was carrying like 50 lbs. of stuff. Or like a Fat Guy magazine, cuz i am kinda fat. Then i thought it'd be funny to start a Fat Guy Magazine all about fat guy stuff with lots of pictures of fat guys and advertisements for twinkies and mountain dew and stuff. I bet it would be successful.
Anyway, also on my way to the football game, I ran into Megan Kramper, one of our sports writers, for whom I had planned on shooting some volleyball video later that evening, and she had got in a wreck right outside my apartment buildings. Don't know who's fault it was, but this mustang like t-boned her or whatever you call it and crushed both her passenger-side doors, mashing the mustang's front all up. So, since she was already stressed enough, I went up and told her I wasn't sure if Sean the sports editor wanted her to do video of volleyball anymore and she flipped out cuz she hadn't heard anything like that.

Then I got a message from Bill Lewis from the photo desk in Youngstown, OH, saying that he got the photos but I didn't put any captions with them and they wanted captions and they couldn't tell who a lot of the players were and they didn't like how I hadn't put any information with the images. So, i was bummed cuz I didn't want to screw up my first string-for-another-paper experience and I didn't know they needed player names and stuff, I was kinda figuring they had all that info and they could put what they wanted with them. Oh well, he said they were able to piece together a couple and they used 2 images of mine, but , for future reference, WRITE CAPTIONS.
After all that, I drove home. I went to Amber's. I was happy to see her. and her family. and her dogs. not her cat Rascal, though, he's stupid. We went and visited my mom and brother and picked up a couple things and left a couple things there and visited my cat Leo and I was so happy to see him when I opened the door, I picked him up and squeezed him and scratched him and made him remember me. He's my favorite pet in the world. I'll be sad when he keels over from old age.
Then we went back to Amber's and went to bed. End of day.
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