

The Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Egyptian Jordan Wilson announced today at the 4 o'clock meeting that The DE's issue breaking the story on SIU President Glenn Poshard's plagiarism had won Best of Show at the ACP conference last weekend in Washington, D.C. It was judged by a group of people on a variety of criteria including reporting, layout, and photography. I think it's wonderful that those who worked through the night on that story and the rest of the issue have been acknowledged for their hard work, accuracy, and production of collegiate journalism at its best. The Daily Egyptian was followed by Duke University's The Chronicle and the entire list of winners for the category can be seen at


From the page:

"ACP Best of Show Winners
National College Media Convention
Oct. 24-28, 2007
Washington, D.C.


4-year daily tabloid

1. Daily Egyptian
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, Ill.
Eric Fidler, adviser

2. The Chronicle
Duke University
Durham, N.C.
Jonathan Angier, adviser"

I believe this award is proof that the Daily Egyptian's reporting on the case is fair, accurate, and expertly executed. It is not, nor has it ever been, one-sided, biased, or disrespectful, as some SIU students/alumni/employees have claimed.


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